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Work Order

Work order is required when you are doing some maintenance jobs. Work order contains a standard operation flow. You can add work order through web and mobile app.

You can use it to:

  • Track operator's action on it.
  • Monitor work hour and cost information about the work order.

Below lists the work order status:

Status Description
Created After the work order is generated.
Assigned Assigned operators to carry out the work order.
In Progress Operator is carrying out the work order.
On Hold The operator paused the work order for some reason.
Executed Operator finished the work order.
Cancelled "Created, Assigned and In Progress" work order can be cancelled.
Returned Return before the first allocation as the work order might be generated wrong.
Closed Work order has been evaluated and the result is pass. If the result is failed, the work order status will become "Assigned".

Add Work Order

  1. Click "Add".
  2. Select "Service Type" and "Priority" configured on the Custom Configuration page.
  3. Input the description about the work order.
  4. Select the location of the work order.
  5. Select "Tag" configured on the Custom Configuration page.
  6. Select "Equipment","Equipment Type" and "Requested By"(Optional)
  7. Click "Submit".

Return Work Order

  1. Click "Return Work Order" on the "Actions" column of a eligible work order (in All/Created tab), or on the upper right corner of the work order detail page;
  2. Select a reason in the pop-up.
  3. Click "OK".

Assign Work Order

  1. Click "Assign" on the "Actions" button column of "Created" tab.
  2. Select Work Order Type configured on the Custom Configuration page.
  3. Select Internal Operator
    Note: You can select from enterprise user of User Management page.
  4. Select "Yes" or "No" under "Work Permit Required?"
  5. Select "Scheduled Completion Time".
  6. Select "Estimated Duration"(Optional).
    Note: You can estimated how long it will take for the work order.
  7. Select "No" or "Yes" under "Report of finished work?"
    Note: If you select "Yes", you need to fill in its result, time, part information and cost information. Then its status will become "Closed". If you select "No", then the work order's status will become "Assigned".
  8. Click "Assign Now".

Reassign Work Order

  1. Click "Reassign" on the "Actions" button column of "Assigned" tab.
  2. Select Work Order Type configured on the Custom Configuration page.
  3. Select "Internal" or "External" under "Resources"
    Note: If you select "Internal", you can select from enterprise user of User Management page. If you select "External", you can select from service provider user of Service Provider Management page.
  4. Select "Job Class".
  5. Select "Yes" or "No" under "Work Permit Required?".
    Note: If you select "Yes", you need to upload the file to prove that you are allowed to carry out the work order.
  6. Click "Reassign Now"

Edit Work Orders

Work orders can only be edited in the "Created" "Assigned" or "Completed" status.

Work Order Source Definition
Temporary Work Order Created not from maintenance plans, could be from service requests, etc.
Maintenance Work Order Created from maintenance plans
Alarm-Manual Created from Alarm Log page
Work Order Status Editable Fields for Temporary Work Order Editable Fields for Maintenance Work Order
Created Work Order Type, Priority, Location, Tags, WO Description, WO Attachments, Requested By, Notes Priority
Assigned Work Order Type, Priority, Location, Tags, Requested By, Notes, Work Permit, Scheduled Completion Time Priority, Work Type, Work Permit
Completed Work Order Type, Priority, Location, Tags, WO Attachments, Working Hours Information, Parts Information, Cost Information WO Attachments

Carry Out Work Order

  1. Turn to mobile app to carry out the work order.

Cancel Work Order

  1. Click "Cancel Work Order" on the "Actions" button column of any tab of "Created","Assigned" and "Ongoing"
  2. Input the reason.
  3. Click "OK".
    Note: You cannot make any changes to the work order.

Spot Check Work Order

  1. Click "Spot Check" on the "Actions" button column of "Closed" tab.
  2. Select "Pass" of "Fail" on the pop-up.
    Note: If you select "Yes", then you cannot make any changes to the work order. If you select "Fail", then "Rework" button will show up besides the work order. Then the rework work order can be assigned again after clicking "Rework."

Add/Edit Work Order Comments

  1. In the work order list, find the work order you wish to review and proceed to its detail page.
  2. Enter/edit the comment content at the bottom right corner.
  3. Upload images (optional)
    Note: You can upload up to 8 images, with each image not exceeding 5MB.
  4. Click "Send"